Resource Monitor Plugin for cPanel-WHM پرینت

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What is the Resource Monitor cPanel/WHM Plugin?

Resource Monitor helps you quickly identify the cPanel users on your server that are using the highest amount of server resources. It filters high resource cPanel users based on CPU usage, memory usage, MySQL usage and disk usage and is displayed right inside the WebHostManager.

How Much is Resource Monitor?

Resource Monitor is FREE with the purchase of a cPanel license from!

Server Requirements

Server side:      

Ioncube & CURL for cPanel's internal PHP (Install through WHM and EasyApache!)                               
cPanel/WHM: 11.34+
PHP: 5.3+    OR
PHP: 5.2        

Client side:        

All of the most recent versions of Firefox, Safari, Chrome and IE9+

Installation Instructions

Step 1: Download the RSMonitor file located at  (Click file at bottom of webpage to download)

Step 2: Upload file to the server (any folder)

Step 3: Run "tar xvfz rsmonitor_XXXX.tar.gz" to untar the file rsmonitor.tar.gz using command line.

Step 4: cd rsmonitor

Step 5: Run "./" - Wait 60 seconds for install to complete. 

That's it! RSMonitor is now installed in your WHM!

NOTE: Wait for at least 48 hours to see you cPanel/WHM usage statistical reports.  RSMonitor is automatically added to your server's CRON.

To access RSMonitor check the plugins section of your WHM by logging into WHM then clicking PLUGINS in the "HOME" WHM screen, then RESOURCE MONITOR.

Make sure to enter the license key you received from to activate the product.

Uninstallation Instructions:

To uninstall: just run the script

General Tab Usage:

This is a description of each of the Resource Monitor tabs inside of the WHM, and what function they perform.

A general look at the current resource usage and pertinent server information. 

Top Users:
A breakdown of users with the highest consumption of memory resources on thesystem and a comparison their individual statistics. 

A breakdown of users with the highest load on the system CPU (users and systemusers).

A breakdown of users with the highest consumption of physical memory (RAM) onthe system (users and system users). 

A breakdown of users with the highest consumption of Mysql resources on thesystem (users and system users). 

A breakdown of the users taking up the most hard disk space on the system. 

Set threshold settings for these reports as well as notification settings forthe exceeding of thresholds.

General Gauge Usage:

Here are some general descriptions of the gauges inside Resource Monitor and what they might mean to you as a cPanel/WHM system administrator:

Gives a general projection of the server's resource usage based on current service and memory utilization.

The percentage of the total physical memory (RAM) that is currently being utilized. 

The percentage of the total cache memory that is currently being utilized.

The percentage of total CPU power that is currently being utilized.

The percentage of total disk space that is currently being utilized.

Note: Clicking on any tab will take you to a list of high resource users on the system for that particular resource, which gives you the ability to display usage statistics for a specified date range. You can change threshold settings for each individual service by clicking on the Settings tab. 

Download Instructions

Download the file below, and follow the installation instructions in the article above.

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